Working & Meeting Space & Zoom Room
The library is a casual place to meet, have a conversation, or dig into some work, with comfortable seating areas and tables in both branches for leisure reading or studying.
Both branches offer meeting rooms that accommodate approx. 40 people.
The Almonte Large Meeting Room is available for public bookings on the following days:
Mondays 5 pm -9 pm
Tuesdays 10 am- 9 pm
Saturdays 2 pm – 9 pm
Call 613-256-1037 for more information.
The Pakenham Meeting Room is available for public bookings. Please call 613-624-5306 for more information.
Rental rates: non-profit $10 per hour, individual/business $25 per hour
Almonte branch also has a small meeting room / “zoom room” for 4-6 people – where video conferencing is available. To reserve a time, call 613-256-1037 or ask at the front desk for registration and details.
Computers, Internet, Tech Tutor, Printing, Scanning & 3D printing
Public-access computers with MS Office at both branches. Printing & Photocopying costs 15 cents/side for black & white and 50 cents/side for colour. FREE scanning of documents or from USB and send via email.
Free WiFi is available for those who’d like to bring their own laptop, tablet, cell phone, or other smart device.
A literacy station computer for young children is at each branch. Chromebooks are available for patrons to borrow. The library has a 3D printer. 3D Printer Training is required before using the printer. Sign up for a 3D print lesson at our programs page – or get on the waiting list if all appointments are full. Use of the 3D printer & lessons are FREE of charge with a library card.
Senior Services
The library offers a number of services of particular interest to seniors.
Free Tech Tutoring – free one-on-one technology support in person, email or by phone
Contact-free pick up – allows residents to place holds and get material without having to browse the collections
Visiting Library Service and CELA – library materials delivered to your home. CELA provides materials in formats that people with print disabilities can read.
Digitization Lab: preserve your memories
Transfer “old” media records to new digital files at the digitization lab, Pakenham branch. The lab has all the tools & instructions. Lab User Guidelines are here.
At the lab you can:
- scan photos, slides & film negatives
- convert VHS to DVD and other conversions
- edit videos and images
- record audio & video clips
Access these tools free of charge. All conversions run in “real time.” Example: a 2 hour VHS movie takes 2 hours to convert to DVD. Bring your own USB drive or blank DVD for storage. Blank DVDs with cases are available for $2 each. Email the library with questions.
Visiting Library Service (VLS)
If you or someone you know needs Visiting Library Services, please contact Judi at
VLS is available to people in the community unable to visit the library due to an illness, restricted mobility, or a physical, developmental or visual disability. Library staff arrange to have books delivered directly to an individual’s home and picked up too. More info here.
Centre for Equitable Library Access
CELA provides public libraries with alternative format collections for library patrons with print disabilities. Community members sign up for public library service at their local public library and, if eligible, are introduced to CELA collections. For more information, inquire at the library.

Interlibrary Loan (ILL)
ILL service is available at Almonte and Pakenham branches. ILL offers patrons the ability to request physical materials that our branches do not carry. If a requested item is available via ILL, it arrives at MMPL for use by the requesting patron. A librarian contacts the patron when the requested ILL material arrives.
A patron can have three (3) active ILL items at time. Requests for material published within the past 12 months are not accepted. ILL requests can take up to 3 weeks to arrive and are generally loaned for a one month period.
To place an ILL request, please use this form – we need name, library card#, title, author etc.
MMPL has 45 Book Club Sets (most with 10 copies)
Please browse the MMPL book club sets here. To inquire about availability and to reserve, please call or email the Almonte branch or visit your library branch, thank you!
Information: The sets are lent in one bag for 5 weeks. Four sets are junior fiction – for kids! One member of a book club reserves the set, picks it up from the library when it’s ready, distributes books to members, and collects books back up from all members before returning the complete set to the library. A tracking sheet is included with each set to help the book club track the copies in the bag.
Who can borrow a Book Club Set?
Book Club Sets are borrowed by any book club member with a valid MMPL library card*.
Can Book Club Sets be reserved in advance?
Yes, phone or email the library (or drop in) to inquire and reserve.
Can Book Club Sets be renewed?
No, sets cannot be renewed.
*Exciting option: MMPL & Perth and District Union Public Library have a reciprocal borrowing agreement. All MMPL patrons can apply for a FREE library card from the Perth library then borrow material and Perth library book club sets. Perth library patrons can borrow sets from MMPL too.