Local Residents

Library cards are FREE for residents of Mississippi Mills. To get a card, bring a piece of photo ID and proof of residency to your library. Cards can be issued from either branch, by phone or email request. If proof of ID has not been seen at the library, a temporary card, good for 3 months, is issued.  All family members can get a card. Under age 14, need a guardian for ID/residency proof.

Lanark County Residents

Library cards are FREE for residents of Lanark County (Beckwith, Carleton Place, Lanark Highlands, Perth, Tay Valley, Montague and Drummond North Elmsley), if the resident also has a valid library card from their area’s library. (Waiving Mississippi Mills Public Library (MMPL) fees for residents of Lanark County began in March 2021.)

Out of Region Residents

An annual user fee applies to out of region individuals wanting to join MMPL. Adult: $30 Child: $10 Family: $45. Note: Out of region residents are unable to get a temporary card, if they are not able to come in and show identification.

More info: 613-256-1037 or almontelib@missmillslibrary.com