Almont branch now has a volunteer Tech Tutor available for drop-ins on Sundays, 10am – 2pm. Mike can help with tech support and questions! Bring your device. This is a drop-in, no appointments necessary, some patience might be useful. A session may be limited to 30-45 minutes. We are very pleased to have Mike helping us out. Thank you & welcome, Mike!

NOTE: for now, you need to drop by or call the library to schedule a set reservation for your club. (The online “place hold” buttons don’t work for scheduling sets.) Thanks! Browse all book club sets at MMPL’s online catalogue

Mississippi Mills Film Society is now screening at a new location: the Almonte Legion – 100 Bridge St., Almonte

On Sunday, 16 February at 2PM see  Suze, a 2023 Canadian comedy-drama film, written and directed by Dane Clark and Linsey Stewart. Tickets are $15 available at Tickets Please. MMFS is pleased to be supporting Mississippi Mills Public Library through these screenings.

This Friday: Increasing Digital and Financial Literacy – a VIRTUAL workshop– hosted at both branches (or view from home)

Friday, 31 Jan at 1pm – Learn how to use online banking tools to safely and securely manage your finances and complete tasks like depositing cheques, checking statements, sending e-transfers, paying bills, and more! Info, how to join Zoom (and the link), if you’d like to join from home is here:

Or just drop by your library branch on Friday at 1pm!

Almonte branch film in the afternoon: FERRARI on 26 February at 1pm.

A thoughtful patron pointed librarians to a VERY interesting story at the online magazine, Book Riot, this week. You might also be interested… Innovative Study by UPenn and NYPL Finds That Public Libraries Positively Impact Community Health and Well-Being

• 92% of respondents reported feeling somewhat to very “calm / peaceful” after visiting the Library
• 74% reported their use of their library positively affects how equipped they feel to cope with the world
• 88% reported their Library use has supported their personal growth

Additionally, these positive impacts are even higher for lower-income communities and patrons who physically go into the library compared to those who use the library’s digital services. And, while the surveys collected and analyzed in the study were specific to the New York Public Library (pictured above), researchers believe results can be extended to other libraries—be they in rural, urban, or suburban areas—across the country.”

Libraries transform lives. Libraries transform communities. Libraries are a smart investment.

And finally a small (BIG) reminder about inter-library loan (ILL) : MMPL librarians can not request books (or other items) published within the last year (so basically anything published in 2024 and 2025 at this point) through inter-library loan (ILL). Please make your requests accordingly, thank you!