Lanark Libraries STEM committee consists of representatives from Carleton Place, Lanark Highlands, Mississippi Mills, Perth and Smiths Falls public libraries.

Thanks to the generous funding from Lanark County and the Elizabeth Kelly Foundation, the
2024 Lanark STEM Program hosted programming at each of the five libraries in Lanark County during March Break, and the Summer & Fall of 2024, giving Lanark youth access to robotics equipment and highly-qualified STEM instructors. LEGO Robotics is a combination of computer engineering and mechanical engineering. Specifically, these courses teach: computer coding, physics, mechanics, structural integrity (engineering), and critical thinking. The STEM workshops were very popular and the high demand for more STEM programs has encouraged the Committee to continue building the Lanark STEM Program in 2025.

To read the full 2024 REPORT, a download is available here.