June 2021

Dear south Ramsay resident,

On April 6, 2021 Mississippi Mills Council voted to support Mississippi Mills Public Library (MMPL) Board‘s request to remove library services from the Recreation Cost Sharing Agreement* with Carleton Place. To read details (frequently asked questions and answers) why library services were removed from the municipal agreement please visit MMPL website or request a copy of the news release and FAQ by email or phone.

Mississippi Mills Public Library Board asked the Carleton Place Public Library Board to enter into a reciprocal borrowing agreement – such an agreement allows residents of both municipalities to borrow freely from either library system. Because CPPL is not yet amenable to this proposal, MMPL has instigated a reimbursement plan for south Ramsay residents using the Carleton Place Public Library (CPPL) as their home library. A reimbursement plan reduces the cost of library service for the municipality of Mississippi Mills. For example, if 300 south Ramsay residents apply for reimbursement, the cost is approximately $9,000 as opposed to $60,000. Please note: Mississippi Mills Council is responsible for determining how the cost savings are reallocated.

The reimbursement plan is in place to honour south Ramsay residents’ historic use of CPPL. The reimbursement plan will be reviewed each year.

Reimbursement plan

Starting October 1, 2021, the Mississippi Mills Public Library will offer a non-resident reimbursement of $30/person and $55/family to South Ramsay residents (see map below) using the Carleton Place Public Library as their library. Please note that Mississippi Mills residents can use the Carleton Place Public Library without paying a non-resident fee until September 30, 2021.

The south Ramsay map below is endorsed by MMPL Board & Ramsay ward Councillors.

How will south Ramsay residents now access Carleton Place Public Library (effective October 1, 2021)?

  • Apply for reimbursement of your CPPL non-resident fee ($30/person or $55/family) through the MMPL online reimbursement form here: www.missmillslibrary.com or call 613-256-1037. (Please check the CPPL website for current fees. As of April 2021, the fee was $30/individual and $55/family).
  • If you find it difficult to prepay the CPPL non-resident membership, MMPL Board may be able to help, contact Christine at 613-256-1037 or crow@mississippimills.ca.

How was the MMPL reimbursement calculated?

The MMPL Board set the non-resident reimbursement rates based on the following information:

The reimbursement rate will not cover any increase beyond a fair and reasonable rate ($30 per person/$55 per family). If Carleton Place Public Library increases its non-resident fees, south Ramsay library users will need to pay any difference. The MMPL Board cannot afford to reimburse unreasonable rates.

Note: Mississippi Mills residents wishing to borrow library material from other libraries across Ontario, but do not want to pay a CPPL non-resident fee, can access the free interlibrary loan system with their Mississippi Mills Public Library membership. Visit the Interlibrary Loan section of the MMPL website or contact the library for details.

Get a Mississippi Mills Public Library Card!

The Mississippi Mills Public Library is an accredited library system with excellent collections and programs for seniors, adults, teens, school-age and preschoolers. Please take a look at some of the information attached to this notice and check our website for all the latest news, additions, services and events!

If you are not a member of MMPL, you can apply for a library card and you’ll get access to everything offered at both Almonte and Pakenham library branches – and interlibrary loan, online eBooks, e-audiobooks, streaming documentaries, movies and much more. South Ramsay residents – like all Mississippi Mills residents – pay a portion of their taxes to support Mississippi Mills Public Library, so membership to your community’s library is free.

Thank you for your support of Mississippi Mills and its library!

Cathy Peacock, Chair

Mississippi Mills Public Library Board



*The remaining sections of the Recreation Sharing Agreement, which include the CP pool and other recreational facilities, are being reviewed by the MM Council separately.