Almonte Branch, this month’s Teen Meet is all about fun and snacks… with only one tiny brainstorming session for optional activities in June!
Tastes Like War, by Grace M. Cho, is part food memoir, part sociological investigation. Tastes Like War is about a daughter’s search through intimate and global history for the roots of her mother’s schizophrenia. #biglibraryread
The Creative Writing Group did story-chains this month!
“Once upon a time there was a girl. And she lived in a yellow hot air balloon with her girlfriend, Steve. They had seven pet geckos and a narwhal. The narwhal lived in a huge tank. The narwhal was too big for the how air balloon. But somehow it fit. No one knew why or how, it it just did. The geckos were slightly afraid the narwhal would burst its tank. Then one day…they spotted a crack in his tank. This was not a normal crack however, it was in the shape of a lightning bolt. And from this unusual crack emerged a boy. They boy who lived. This narwhal boy called himself Nathan and he carried exciting news: there was going to be a hot air balloon party! Then the narwhal horn popped the hot air balloon and fell. They all plummeted screaming and they were never found.”
The group’s next meeting is May 24, at 4pm, Almonte branch. To join the group email Berta at
If you liked Verity by Colleen Hoover, you’ll like these because they are romance suspense novels with female characters and psychological thrillers with dark plots and shocking twists. Browse & reserve here:
Please visit MMPL website to see all upcoming programs and events:
Note: Summer programs for kids will be posted and promoted later in June.