2ND ANNUAL ONLINE AUCTION – June 12-24, 2022
Not familiar with Friends of Mississippi Mills Public Library (FMMPL)?
The Friends are a fundraising group that supports and promotes the services of the Mississippi Mills Public Library. Run by a dedicated group of volunteers, FMMPL helps the library meet its goals of creating a strong library community in Mississippi Mills.
FMMPL hosts many fundraisers. Last year’s were very successful! Proceeds helped the library continue to provide children and seniors with monthly craft kits free of charge! The Friends were also able to donate $1000 to Schoolbox North to support the Niisaachewan Anishinaabi Nation learning center/library project. In addition, FMMPL also maintain the FriendShop, within the Almonte branch, where a variety of interesting items are for sale!
This year’s FMMPL auction proceeds will help augment any budget deficits the library incurs as a result of the “No Overdue Fines” initiative. This year’s auction focusses on services donated by people/businesses/organizations. Already there are 65 services up for auction! Examples: a drive somewhere for a treat, a drive to a medical appointment, lessons in knitting, bread-making, and bridge, a delivery of home-baked cookies, a haircut, a load of laundry done, hanging pictures/drywall repair, line dance classes, landscape consult, monthly flower deliveries, curling club membership for a 7-12 year old, dog training session, and dog walking.
Please check the library website, newsletter and Facebook page for updates on access to the auction (in June) and for upcoming links to view the varieties of services offered. If you are willing to offer a service for the auction, either as an individual or a business, please contact us at friends@missmillslibrary.com.