The library maintains a local author collection
In the library catalogue, title records include the designation “local author collection” – and patrons can search the catalogue from home or at the library using “local author” to pull up the full list.
Library staff also sticker the spines of titles in this collection with a proprietary (wink! wink!) sticker that says, Local Author Lanark County! Library visitors can spot these titles more easily on the shelves.
Local authors write in all subjects – children’s, fiction, non-fiction, biography etc. – and for that reason, the library does not have a “local author” section. Such a section would be a hodge-podge, and then, when patrons looked for titles in particular subjects at the library, the local titles wouldn’t be shelved along with the rest in that category.
There are far more “local author” titles in your library than those in these photos! Currently there are about 75 titles – and growing – in this collection. But, as stated above: Locally-authored fiction is shelved with all fiction, alphabetically by author. A locally-authored gardening book (Ed Lawrence!) is shelved by call number along with the rest of the gardening titles… etc. etc.
Something further to note: Mississippi Mills Public Library also has a LOCAL HISTORY section at both Almonte & Pakenham branches – approx. 300 titles. The full list is also available via the online catalogue. The titles in this section ARE shelved together – in the small meeting room at Almonte branch and downstairs at Pakenham branch.