North Lanark Home Hospice Coordinator of Visiting Volunteers will be at Mississippi Mills Public Library, Almonte branch, every Tuesday from 1 to 3pm, starting Oct. 5, 2021

Is someone in your life dealing with a life-limiting illness? Do you have questions about hospice care? Would you just love to sit and chat with a knowledgeable person and find out what kind of support is available to you? Would you like to learn more about Advance Care Planning? Well, now you can do this easily.

Drop by the Almonte branch to discuss support for a loved one, grief or bereavement support, Advance Care Planning needs or if you simply need someone to talk to about anything concerning hospice care and what supports HHNL can offer. No appointment necessary.

There is no commitment. This is part of HHNL’s mandate to be more accessible to those in our community who need support at a difficult time.

The HHNL is looking into a satellite space at Pakenham branch in the near future along with a different venue in Almonte on a different day and time (TBA shortly). HHNL thanks once again Monica Blackburn and Christine Row of MMPL for all their support and help in coordinating this.

All COVID protocols will be in place so please remember to wear a mask.