Are you a seed saver? Do you want to become one?

We need your help to “grow” our inventory!

Donations are being accepted now. Here’s how you can help: Complete our seed library donation form, then attach the form to your envelope filled with the saved seeds. Drop your donation at either of the library branches.

  • We accept seeds for fruits, vegetables, herbs and flowers.
  • When saving seeds, select seeds from the strongest plants.
  • Ensure seeds are dry before donating.
  • Please no hybrid plants, they may not produce true to type.
  • Heirloom seeds preferred (they produce consistent results).

Forms can be found here

And more information on how to save seeds can be found here

Top 5 tips for gardeners who want to start saving seeds by Diane Ott Whealy

  1. Choose seeds for a plant that you or your family likes to eat.
  2. Choose a non-hybrid, open pollinated, heirloom variety.
  3. Understand how each seed is pollinated. Choose a seed that is self-pollinating like tomato, beans, lettuce or peas. These plants are pollinated before the blossom opens so you do not need to hand pollinate.
  4. Enjoy harvesting produce but keep some seed to mature on the plant. (Leave some bean and pea pods to dry and mature on the plant, harvest tomato seed from a few of the best fruit.)
  5. Saving seeds is not difficult; our ancestors did it without fancy equipment. Harvest the seed, air dry it, put it in envelopes and store in cool dry place till next spring! You are now a seed saver!

The Seed Library will open again for pick-up in Spring 2022!