Mississippi Mills public library holds a collection by and about local people, which include materials relating to the histories of the formerly independent Town of Almonte, Village of Pakenham and Ramsay Township. The majority of materials are located in the Almonte branch, with a smaller collection in Pakenham. Please call 613-256-1037 (Almonte) or 613-624-5306 (Pakenham) before you visit!

Browse the catalogue of Local History items at the Almonte branch – then visit the branch to read or do some research!
Browse the catalogue of Local History items at the Pakenham branch – then visit the branch to read or do some research!

Census records are available as well as a complete archive of The Almonte Gazette from 1861 to 2005 on microfiche – and also digitalized, here – church and cemetery records, Women’s Institute scrapbooks, birth, death and marriage records, some older ADHS yearbooks etc. etc. These are all part of the library’s special, non-circulating research collection. There are hundreds of items – not just those in the photo! No reserves are allowed and these items can’t be borrowed, but you can find them online, then come into the library to read/research!

The library was established in 1829. 192 years old in 2021 (source: page in photo, from “Almonte Faces & Places 1880-1980)!