The Census counts every person in Canada and did you know there’s a Census for farm animals too – and every five years, all farms are counted.

From here at the library, we want to encourage you to complete your 2021 Census, if you haven’t already done so. It has been a challenging year for all Canadians, but please don’t think of the Census as just another item on a long to-do list.

Census information is vital for governments AT ALL LEVELS to plan for libraries, schools, community centres, and recreational activities as well as for services that support employment, public transportation and hospitals.

Data from the 2021 Census will be even more crucial, because it will help to evaluate the impact of the pandemic and to better plan for the future. You can quickly and easily complete your census questionnaire at using the access code you received in the mail, but if you need assistance, or would like to have a paper (or alternate format) questionnaire, please call the Census Help Line at 1-855-340-2021. 

Bonus: for the CENSUS GEEKS among us, click into the Census game (created by Stats Can) to test your knowledge of all things census. Now that’s some fun!?!