Almonte & Pakenham Library Branches
10am to 3pm. Ages 8 and up.
Join the fun: Lego and Ozobot challenges, 3D printing and Tinker CAD, video game design and coding with Scratch and Code org!
Register here.

Choose your dates soon, space is limited.
#1: Mon 12th and Tue 13th Almonte Branch, LEGO ROBOTICS (Race & Sumo Challenges) Tinker CAD, OZOBOTS, 10am-3pm
#2 Wed 14th Almonte Branch, 3D PRINTER, SCRATCH, OZOBOTS , 10am-3pm
#3 Thu 15th Almonte Branch, 3D PRINTER, SCRATCH, OZOBOTS, 10am-3pm
#4 Fri 16th and Sat 17th Pakenham Branch, LEGO ROBOTICS (Maze & Sumo Challenges) Tinker CAD, OZOBOTS, 10am-3pm
Covid-19 restrictions in place: all participants must wear a mask, maintain social distance and sanitize their hands. Limit of 8 participants with individual stations and materials. Materials and stations are quarantined and sanitized between workshops.