Try your hand at building a sumobot with Lego EV3 Mindstorms and have some fun competing against other teams. Robot-sumo is a sport in which two robots attempt to push each other out of a circle (in a similar fashion to the sport of sumo).

Participants will gather in the main room of the library after closing hours so each team will have plenty of space around them. The competition will consist of 8 teams, each team composed of 1 or 2 people from the same household.

Each team will have their own table with a Lego EV3 Mindstorm kit, a Chomebook and instructions to build and code a sumobot. Our awesome STEM programmer will be at hand to help you with the building and the coding. Afterwards, we will pit the sumobots against each other and we will declare a winner!

One of each team needs a library card to register. Residents of Mississippi Mills may join the library at no charge. To apply call 613-256-1037 or drop by the Library. 

In order to keep everyone safe, the following Covid-19 protocols will be applied.

  • Participants with Covid-19 symptoms will be asked to stay home.
  • Participants will use the hand sanitizer in the lobby before entering the library.
  • Face coverings/masks that securely cover the nose, mouth, and chin are mandatory for the duration of the event.
  • Each team will have their own table with their own dedicated programming material. Tables will be placed at a minimum of 2 meters apart from each other. When entering and exiting the event, participants must maintain a safe 2-metre distance from others.
  • Surfaces will be disinfected before and after use and all equipment will be quarantined.

Register here