We are so pleased to offer curbside pick-up service, and many of our patrons are now participating – wonderful! We know that many residents have missed visiting the library and we have missed our extended Mississippi Mills family. 

To keep us all safe, we will be following the most current health and safety guidelines throughout all library reopening stages. In this first stage, we are offering contact-free curbside pick-up. Face coverings are now mandatory in the library lobby during pick-up.

Please read the following Mississippi Mills Public Library curbside pick-up safety guidelines in FULL, as these are the steps we all need to follow.

1) Do not return or pick-up items if you are sick. Please stay home and we will see you when you feel better.

2) All returned items will be quarantined for 72 hours.

3) To place an order, call 613-256-1037 or email almontelib@missmillslibrary.com (for Almonte pick-up) or pakenhamlib@missmillslibrary.com (for Pakenham pick-up).  If you know the specific titles you wish to pick up, you may place holds directly from our online catalogue (https://www.missmillslibrary.com/search-catalogues).

4) Staff will contact you when your items are ready to be picked-up, and to arrange time and day of pick-up.  If you need assistance picking up your item, please mention this to staff at this time.

5) Your items will be available for pick-up at the Almonte Branch on Tuesday between 10-12, Wednesday between 5-7, Thursday between 3-5 and Saturdays between 10-2, or at the Pakenham Branch on Wednesday between 3-5. Please note that these days and times may change.

6) Items must be picked up within one week of being notified.

7) All items will be ready for pick-up in the lobby of the Library arranged alphabetically by your family name.

8) The door will be propped open.  Please have one person pick up all items for your family.  Line up outside the Library in the designated area, maintaining physical distancing.

9) One person may enter the lobby at any given time.  Please take the bag with your name on it and leave the lobby promptly following the directional arrows.

10) Place returned items in RETURN bins located under the tables in the lobby.  Do not use the book drop during this time.

11) Library staff will not be available to you at this time.  If you have any concerns, or need assistance in picking up your items, please call Christine or Monica at 613-256-1037 or email info@missmillslibrary.com

We look forward to seeing you (at least 2 meters away).

Mississippi Mills Library Staff